mom...i am hearing you; rather, sensing and piecing you together at every next twist in the wind and water currents.
you envelop my existence. thoughts of you and love for you carry me through the truest bowels of sorrow; and to the most brilliant points of the highest kind of joy.
YOU ARE HERE to help me grieve the loss of your body.
i am beginning to recognize the synchronistic fibers of the ether that connect me to a past and future of incredible miracles. and from each one, i am forever reborn of your love. i am conforted by the fact that i am still young; not yet spiritually mature enough to understand or "handle" death. i don't need to know what god knows. not yet. it also comforts me, though,to know that you WERE ready for your transition, and that you ARE the beauty that infiltrates and transforms my life every single day.
it makes such perfect sense that the themes most boldly unfolding in my life right now are the following:the tropical warmth of my grandest dreams; light; the stars and planets and galaxies; reclaimation of childlike bliss found in the freedom of play; water; and whales.
i am getting it...COMMUNICATION is the answer. i know, mom, that you were always deeply interested in communication systems and styles. you were part of that whole IT start-up in denver in the early got your advanced HAM radio license, and learned morse code. you used your body to communicate uninhibited, pure joy. you wrote incredible poetry and stories. you were interested in UFOs and communication between us and alien life forms. you studied psychic abilities, physics, and metaphysics. you LOVED. you LOVED. you LOVED. your heart spoke countless volumes through the windows of your eyes, always.
the rate at which we communicate - one soul to another - is increasing at an exponentially rapid pace!this explains why the study of animal behavior has evolved into the study of human-animal communication.this explains why physics and metaphysics are soon to be fused into one discipline. this explains why the afterlife is becoming fodder for scientific exploration. this explains what role whales play in the ecological drama - as they are so extraordinarily advanced in their abilities and ways of communicating,with one another, with us individually, and with the human species.
it makes sense that you would bring people into my life that represent the wonderlust to reach the heavens!professor gerald at mauna kea, who embodied the spirit of mark peterson. astronomy lessons from chris. and skies so phenomenal they look at me. they mould themselves into symbols of your continuance.
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