The foundation of my spiritual path was perfectly executed in the first dream listed here; and continued to form throughout every dream after that one. I have written a whole book -- called SAVE THE HUMANS -- about my "real" experiences with whales and dolphins; also interpretations of the following dreams, and how so many elements of them have undeniably materialized in my waking, conscious life.
Cover Letter to The Universe

Attn: All Cosmic Forces Beyond my Control.
I've watched the vast majority of my generation get married, have children, become professionals, buy cars and houses, create homes with pets and partners and families. In the meantime, I have battled the underlying pressure to succumb to the fear of never having these wonderful things for myself. However, because I hold myself accountable to making decisions based on faith and not fear, I have managed to continue moving forward, toward the most ideal vision of life I can comprehend; and have finally come to accept that I can and will create it. Furthermore, I will accept nothing less.
Many days, I feel more a slave to the Nebulous than a confident courier of divine manifestation. But, with guidance from higher sources, including many very powerful angels who consistently orchestrate undeniable messages through synchronistic events and connections, I have persevered. As a humble servant to the instinctual heart, I pray - and believe - that my karmic reward is to be...the Love of which I have only thus far dreamed.
I've watched the vast majority of my generation get married, have children, become professionals, buy cars and houses, create homes with pets and partners and families. In the meantime, I have battled the underlying pressure to succumb to the fear of never having these wonderful things for myself. However, because I hold myself accountable to making decisions based on faith and not fear, I have managed to continue moving forward, toward the most ideal vision of life I can comprehend; and have finally come to accept that I can and will create it. Furthermore, I will accept nothing less.
Many days, I feel more a slave to the Nebulous than a confident courier of divine manifestation. But, with guidance from higher sources, including many very powerful angels who consistently orchestrate undeniable messages through synchronistic events and connections, I have persevered. As a humble servant to the instinctual heart, I pray - and believe - that my karmic reward is to be...the Love of which I have only thus far dreamed.
Every breath I've taken, every stroke I've swam, every mile I've run, every photograph I've taken and word I've written, every prayer submitted before falling asleep...has been in preparation. Every thought I think and move I make from this point forward, is with the intention of letting the Universe know...I AM READY.
I am ready to reach a destination greater than the space I hold alone in this world. I am ready to join forces with the one whose love will unlock all in me that is yet unknown. I am ready for the emergence of what can only be set in motion by my soul's recognition of its counterpart in another. I am stronger than I've ever been, and more determined than ever to manifest the platform from which I can do my work in the world, on as great a scale as possible. I will teach, I will serve, I will heal, by way of the connection with animals that so clearly defines my higher purpose.
Even from as far away as earth, I can see the luminous glow of a spectacular new world. It is the future that I have worked - without fail, for the sum of all my lifetimes - to create. It is the promise toward which my spirit has ventured forever. It is the Great Love my heart has undoubtedly earned, and is finally ready to receive.
With Everything in Me,
Liz R. Kover
With Everything in Me,
Liz R. Kover
Punctuated Equilibrium
The world is in a state of Punctuated Equilibrium: A relatively brief and drastic "growth spurt" in the otherwise painfully slow progression of geological and evolutionary time. On a website called ISCID, International Society for Complexity, Information and Design, I found this definition: “The hypothesis of punctuated equilibrium holds (among other things), that most evolutionary changes in morphology, although perhaps continuous in the sense of passing through many intermediate stages, have been so rapid that the fossil record presents the appearance of a discontinuous change.”
Our spirits are evolving at light speed. Humans' perceptive capabilities and pathways for communication, (with other humans and with other animals), are expanding. So much so, in fact, that our souls will soon outgrow the restrictive container of Ego altogether. Through social media - we are sharing in the collective conscious experience of the proverbial "meteorite" that is changing the entire landscape of life as our species knows it. We are communicating now through the more emotional mediums of real-time imagery and video, music, humor, insights born of our connection to animals, reality TV, and recognizable conversations with spirits on the other side. We are becoming ultra-sensitive, and thus increasingly sentient. We have instant access to media at all times, through which we instantly share and connect with a world-wide-web of human minds and hearts. The Human Being is expanding, to see and feel the evidence of such oneness, and open up to share the (literally and metaphorically) moving, earth-shattering experience with our biological brethren.
An example: The 9.0 earthquake, and ensuing tsunami in Tokyo, Japan on March 10th, 2011, was terrifying, horrific, tragic and utterly devastating. However, the fact that the whole world experienced the massive emotional impact of that event together, online, in real time, represents a drastic reorganization of solitary animals into One transcendent force, presently awakening to its own great power. This lies in the Super Connectivity we are beginning to fathom, through technology that is fusing science and soul. As I understand dolphins - to be an example for us of a more emotionally-enlightened animal civilization - this is the kind of collective consciousness I imagine they have practiced and experienced as completely natural for millions of years.
Our spirits are evolving at light speed. Humans' perceptive capabilities and pathways for communication, (with other humans and with other animals), are expanding. So much so, in fact, that our souls will soon outgrow the restrictive container of Ego altogether. Through social media - we are sharing in the collective conscious experience of the proverbial "meteorite" that is changing the entire landscape of life as our species knows it. We are communicating now through the more emotional mediums of real-time imagery and video, music, humor, insights born of our connection to animals, reality TV, and recognizable conversations with spirits on the other side. We are becoming ultra-sensitive, and thus increasingly sentient. We have instant access to media at all times, through which we instantly share and connect with a world-wide-web of human minds and hearts. The Human Being is expanding, to see and feel the evidence of such oneness, and open up to share the (literally and metaphorically) moving, earth-shattering experience with our biological brethren.
* * *
Perhaps the human race is splitting into two distinct evolutionary lines. And karmic justice dictates that each of us has the opportunity to pay off our debts and move forward in substantial leaps and bounds. The choice is each of ours to make: Keep living in the spiritually unsustainable environment controlled by the primal fear of human Ego; Or - by believing we can - skyrocket light years forward into the futures of our wildest dreams.
We are busting out of the matrix, escaping The Grid, advancing to the next level. The mind and the heart are joining forces, facilitating the development of Humanity's emotional intelligence. The left and right brain halves are closing the synaptic gaps that have long divided our understanding of who we are, and what we are capable of manifesting with intention, and an unwavering faith in the master plan.
As individuals, we are recognizing that the pure, beautiful wildness within us is not to be held captive; a slave to primal fear and self-doubt. We each have the opportunity to plug in to the greater cosmic source, and use it to get wherever our hearts demand we go. Collectively, the human spirit can ride this massive wave of Light straight to the magnificent rebirth that awaits. Just as finite resources are sure to be depleted in only a matter of time, the infinite resources of Love and Light are sustainable, and exponentially powerful. We can harness these energies, and use them to fuel our space bound spirit vessels. Tracking the hypothetical course of my own rocket ship, I see the life-altering shift from lone wolf to pack member...up ahead, coming into sight. I see the vast potential of my higher self being fully realized. I see my humble servant of a soul finally grasping the reward it has worked forever to achieve.
Power is all about belief in power; and the appointment of energy to "projects" of one's choosing. We manifest the positive and the negative. Negativity holds us stagnant while positivity fuels our voyage to brilliant places yet unknown. On the Big Island of Hawaii, where the spirit body's nerves are necessarily exposed, multiply the potential energetic effect tenfold. At this crossroads, I stand upon the unyielding foundation of my entire genetic lineage, from the original single cell, forward. Giant leaps of faith have brought me closer than I've ever been to the promised, higher existence that awaits. In my life story, this next level is only possible to attain through true connection with a soul partner. I am ready to meet the man with whom I will traverse this world; and contribute to the next stage of being, through my and his destined genetic fusion.
There is a fine line between consciously co-creating one's life story, and getting out of the way when The Creator is at work. There are seemingly endless stretches of time during which one must simply have faith, and be patient. I get it. I have patiently and faithfully walked a million miles up this road. I have scrimped and saved my energy, and have used it wisely, shuttling it only toward opportunities that would prove vital to fulfilling my Life's Work, and finding my Life's Love. I have paid off my biggest karmic debts. I have out grown my solitude, and have earned the kind of fullness only two people in partnership can experience. I simply cannot imagine, nor will I accept, a future of sensual deprivation or spiritual aloneness. I am finally ready to build my own family, and be part of a pack whose collective power transcends that of its individual members alone. I want a home, animals, success and stability of my own. I am ready, and I have enough Love to give...to fuel this and countless other trips, to the moon and beyond.
For My Papa
Today, sadness exists. But in my heart, it does not persist.
I cry because waves of profound love are washing over me.
And I am overflowing.
Our family's angelic army continues to grow, and has just become infinitely more powerful, now that our Patriarch has taken his place at the head of the Spirit Brigade. Overriding sadness, is great JOY - for Papa's precious soul, as it transcends the burdens of the physical plane, and enters the redemptive fields of Heavenly Freedom.
I feel it is because I am made of the same material as Papa...Because I am an extension of such a spiritually advanced human being as my Grandfather, Leo Arthur Brumm...that I am able to face this day. And not merely survive it; but revel in the beauty of it all. I don't mean I revel in the loss of Papa, because the notion that Papa is "no longer with us" is simply wrong. He is here in rich concentration, permeating the oxygen we are breathing. Papa is, and will always be, the Magic in the air.
I always described Papa as The Real Gandalf. His wizardry was in his gentleness; his compassion for all people, all animals, all beings. Papa was a spiritual alchemist, who not only could see the gifts hidden in painful situations, (like the loss of loved ones), but could wield that power (of Darkness itself), transforming it into the brightest of guiding lights. Papa was a healer, divine love his medicinal formula. He was a spiritual master, divine love his sole teaching.
Today, sadness exists. But in my heart, it does not persist.
I cry because waves of profound love are washing over me.
And I am overflowing.
Our family's angelic army continues to grow, and has just become infinitely more powerful, now that our Patriarch has taken his place at the head of the Spirit Brigade. Overriding sadness, is great JOY - for Papa's precious soul, as it transcends the burdens of the physical plane, and enters the redemptive fields of Heavenly Freedom.
I feel it is because I am made of the same material as Papa...Because I am an extension of such a spiritually advanced human being as my Grandfather, Leo Arthur Brumm...that I am able to face this day. And not merely survive it; but revel in the beauty of it all. I don't mean I revel in the loss of Papa, because the notion that Papa is "no longer with us" is simply wrong. He is here in rich concentration, permeating the oxygen we are breathing. Papa is, and will always be, the Magic in the air.
I always described Papa as The Real Gandalf. His wizardry was in his gentleness; his compassion for all people, all animals, all beings. Papa was a spiritual alchemist, who not only could see the gifts hidden in painful situations, (like the loss of loved ones), but could wield that power (of Darkness itself), transforming it into the brightest of guiding lights. Papa was a healer, divine love his medicinal formula. He was a spiritual master, divine love his sole teaching.
Because I have been blessed my whole life to learn from Papa, and in the honor of his legacy of greatness, I stand resolute in my promise to reach deeply inward, and manifest the Christ-like potential Papa taught me I am destined to become.
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